Q&A re Lost & Found
Obviously, I'm lost. Do I want to be found? Not quite sure. Give it a try as it won't hurt, so I've heard. Nosey people keep telling you to follow your head, your heart, your steps, or even your crystal ball.......why not just follow me? I don't bite, nor steal, nor kill; believe it or not, at your own risk. Times up, make up your mind, or find the nearest exit to further explore. You're keeping my 2038 potential dates right behind you. Move on, the faster the better.....
List one or two of your accomplishments you take the most pride in.
As mentioned, don't bite and don't kill. If that's not good enough, I go hunting with my rifle in SA. And I do shooting with my .22 pistol with the highest score of 280. Do I need to say more? Oh please don't run are you listening!!!! You are in good hands my dear!
What is the smartest decision you ever made?
I deliberately get lost to be found.
What person has made the biggest impact/influence on your life?
Bin Laden. Well don't get me wrong, I swear I have absolutely nothing to do with this holy man; none, zero, nothing at all. But what's your question again? IMPACT, there you go. I believe I have this so-called post-dramatic syndrome; that I could never dial 911 on my phone if I ever encounter any emergency. How tragic, no laughing matter.
Some people joke they'd "rather be sailing." What activity are you most passionate about?
If you suddenly found yourself with an afternoon free, without any obligations, what would you do with the time?
Without any obligations?????? Are you sure....... I would KILL. Nah, I'd read a good book by judging its cover, or meet a date without judging his behavior, or take a nap simply because I'm a laid back person.
What is your best memory, and why?
My best memory is I have this sickness called a lapse of memory. Why? No news is good news I suppose.
We all have good days and bad days. What inspires you to trudge forward during the bad times?
I'll put my map on the table, mapping 1/3 of those countries below the poverty line. Another 1/3 are constantly under fire. And the rest are either backing up the fire, or ignoring the line.