Friday, September 28

Tuesday, September 25

My Prayer

Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.


~ Reinhold Niebuhr ~

Sunday, September 16

Forgive and Forget

I was introduced to God through bible stories and worship as a child. Unfortunately my spiritual vision had gone worse over the years. In sorrow I had forgotten God, that I was lost and miserable at one time. The fact is, God never abandoned me when I was in trouble, He has forgiven me time after time. Ultimately I have refined my vision, realising my role in God's kingdom, willing to be guided in His way.

But Satan has been around in disguise, that we tend to easily get hurt by trusting those who try to deceive us. Nevertheless, putting our trust in God can be absolute and will never be betrayed. God already knows our innermost secrets, fears and sins. Oftentimes we can't bring ourselves to confess to God because our shame or because we can't forgive ourselves and the others.

Psalm 18:30 reminds us: "As for God, his way is perfect, the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him." Because God continues to love and forgive us, that we've learned to love and forgive ourselves. Most importantly, we must forgive the others and forget about taking revenge.

Wednesday, September 12

Meek or Weak

Many people have difficulty comprehending how Jesus could be forceful and mighty and still be meek.

In today's society, we may confuse meekness with a lack of courage or self-respect. But meekness has a fuller and deeper significance in scripture. It grows from commitment to God, and humility of soul that leads to inner peace. Jesus calls us to this meekness. On the other hand, we are also to be bold, especially when proclaiming our faith.

Jesus did not show timidity or spinelessness when he threw the merchants out of the temple courtyard. He certainly was not lacking courage or self-esteem. He was meek, humble before God, but he was bold in proclaiming God's truth.

Tuesday, September 11


In memory of the victims and heroes of 911. May God bless America and those who are suffering from the wars, my heart goes with you.....

Those who are spared life's tragedies can become God's messengers to those hurting people. ~ K Jackson Peevy ~

Sunday, September 9

To be or not to be

While the public has been accusing the church for sending the Korean missioners to Afghanistan, consequently led to a deal with the terrorists, the question is how to strike a balance between responsibility of the government, and the responsibility of individuals.

Friday, September 7

King of High Cs

Recognised for his Italian charm and clarion voice, being the first opera singer performing in Las Vagas, a member of the Three Tenors, and best known for "King of the high Cs", Luciano Pavarotti probably was the brightest star of classical music for more than three decades, died from pancreatic cancer in Italy yesterday.

To me, his most impressive performance was singing the "Nessun Dorma" - Turandot during the World Cup tournament in 1990. In addition to his concert held in Beijing's Great Hall of the People in 1986.

Surely, he will be missed.

Wednesday, September 5


Most abusers have no idea that they abuse. All they know is that they are needy and they desperately need you to fill that void. Hence if you don't do it the way they need it done, they will twist things around so that you feel bad about yourself. A relationship shouldn't include you becoming a martyre, you have to be valued just as much as you value your partner.

Abuse comes in many colors and shapes but one thing to remember, you have the power to take control of your life. You decide who you let in and you decide how much authority you will give them over your life. You have the right to say NO if someone is abusing your freedom to choose for yourself what you want in life.

Saturday, September 1

Miss You Much

Sweetie I miss you much, guess you're now a big girl already, longing to see you again....someday, sometime, somehow....
You're the 11946911 visitor, thank you and God bless.