Saturday, February 9


Home coming has never been rough liked this. For the last couple days I spent in the York Central Hospital at Richmond Hill, Toronto, Canada, it's quite memorable experience that opened my eyes widely and shockley. First I was sent to the ER by the local police officers for a night, then got transferred to the floor organising the mental health program, that they might have seen fit for me. Well, what do you know about life, IT'S SO UNPREDICTABLE.

Paying CAN$1000 per day without the health insurance coverage, since I've been traveled back and forth between Canada and HK. Wow, I'd never spent such money in a ROOM with such SERVICE in my entire life. Doctors and nurses here were most impressive. It seemed everybody had different tasks on a regular basis, while the nurses would come to me having a blood test, in the middle of the night that I hardly remembered their faces. Another time somebody forced me to have medication which's not the same from what the doctor had discussed with me. When I refused it and ran away, they sent the security guards after me then put me in a bed and tied me up. You've got it right, like those movies you've seen such as " One flew over the cuckoo's nest" or so. The most uncomfortable things were, everybody had been treating me liked a 7-year old kid (I wish:-), kept telling me what to do and what not to do. Upon checked in they took away all my belongings, fortunately, I have my BIBLE with me all the time.


Way to go and a lot more to tell. My most concern at the moment is, I'm the victim for this time, what if you're the NEXT ONE? If anybody has the power or in the authority, that he/she would do anything to torture you simply because he/she thinks he/she likes to or wants's not a safe world anymore!! If it could happen to me, it could happen to you!! How could you turn a blind eye on this subject matter?? I JUST DON'T GET IT.

A New York Republican once said "aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords". Like most people, I like competition for good reasons. I don't back down from a principled fight, yet there must always be a larger purpose.

Dying is not a problem, but losing faith, hope, and dignity is!!! After all, WHAT IS HUMANITY TO YOU???
You're the 11946911 visitor, thank you and God bless.