Friday, March 14


The democracy movement on June 4, 1989 had once been a milestone in China's history. It symbolized the courage and enthusiasm of the new generation at the time, it unified the people for pursuing the freedom of expressing. During and after the movement, many students had died, but not in vain. The Chinese government had become more open minded for a while, the economy had become stronger global wise.

Almost two decades passed by, has human rights played an important role in China today? The answer is NO. It has gone worse as a matter of fact. All because the leaders in power are so corrupted these days. Some of them think they're ready to take over the world that they don't show any respect to the alliances, or to the tax payers. Some of them think they're on top of the world already, that they tend to torture or humiliate anyone who dares to challenge their authority.

Why I'm saying this? I AM one of the victims and I AM the living proof. As long as I live, I'll watch over China to see if things are getting better. I believe in God and God has been my strength. May God bless China and its people in the years to come.
You're the 11946911 visitor, thank you and God bless.