Tuesday, May 27

Human Dignity To Dalton McGuinty

For Immediate Release

GTA, May 28 / SOS / - Toronto Fire Services, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Premier of Ontario will participate in the launch of Ontario Bloody Sirens for Annual Privacy Donor challenge in an effort to raise awareness about the critical need for privacy in the province. At the event, wives and daughters of William Stewart, Bruce Farr, and Dalton McGuinty, will demonstrate a situation called "How to survive under inhuman tragedy against women". The ladies will show the audiences how to protect their privacy when using the bathroom, or surfing on the Internet. Should any unpleasant activity occurs such as secretly video typed by the government or officials, how to react in desperation without going crazy, most importantly, with human dignity. Dalton McGuinty himself will perform a reality show called "Why would I care when it's none of my business". Highly recommended for Human Watch Organization or that sort.

The event will bring together representatives of various levels of government, law enforcement officials, public utilities and the private sector, to discuss ways to combat grow inhumanity throughout the province of Ontario. A well said statement released recently by the Premier of China, Wen Jiabao - "Humanity has become a global warning and is at risk and that is unacceptable". Wen Jiabao will also appear as honorable guest giving a speech of "Socialism vs. Humanism".

Date: To be confirmed
Time: To be confirmed
Location: Fire and Emergency Medical Services headquarters or Residence of Dalton McGuinty

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For further information, call Ontario Bloody Sirens Service at
1-888-INHUMAN or visit http://www.bloodysirens.ca.
You're the 11946911 visitor, thank you and God bless.