Saturday, April 11

Obama Urges Cooperation On Global Threats

Updated Sat. Apr. 11 2009 8:28 AM ET
The Associated Press

U.S. President Barack Obama marks the Jewish Passover and Christian Easter feasts in his weekly address.

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Barack Obama says countries must confront global challenges such as the financial meltdown and climate change together.

Obama invoked Christian and Jewish holidays today as he used his radio and Internet address to ask Americans - and a global audience - to focus on areas of common interest instead of differences.

He says Easter and Passover "are both occasions to think more deeply about the obligations we have to ourselves and the obligations we have to one another."

Obama says "we cannot afford to talk past one another. We can't afford to allow old differences to prevent us from making progress in areas of common concern."

Obama also pointed to his recent trip to Europe for the G20 and NATO summits, where he pressed for unified action on the global economy and the fight against terrorists.

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