Sweetheart, if I were you I 'd give up. This is all heart breaking and incredibly unfair. We've given up almost everything fighting for their autonomy, after all they turned their back on us.
Yep. To be perfectly honest, my heart is bleeding, badly.
Why don't we leave everything behind and go our way, starting our new life in a new place. Let them suffer from their own deeds as they wish, till then they'll realise why we'd fought so hard in the first place. It's their free will if they're ready to learn the lesson in a hard way. Let go and we may enjoy the rest of our lives.
Sweetheart I just can't do that, people are allowed to make mistakes. Imagine this, after 911 President Bush has done a great job to defend the country from being attacked again. And he's been succeed. At first everybody had supported him in every way, yet tended to forget what'd happened over time. People have started blaming him for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. I'm pretty sure his heart was bleeding too. Nevertheless he's never give up on his people simply because he's been penalised. He wouldn't back off to allow anybody who might have a chance hurting his people, then lecturing those who've against him " see I've told you so ". Isn't this all unjustified? But he must carry on because it's all about accountability. Furthermore I believe the most important quality of a leader is VISION, he/she must be able to visualise any advantages or disadvantages lay ahead before anybody else jumps into a conclusion.
So we're not going anywhere until this project has done? Will you miss me as much as I miss you?
Sweetheart you know I always miss you, and love you with all my heart. You're irreplaceable as we're meant to be together. Just be patient and listen to God, nothing can go wrong.