Days ago the Supreme Court of Canada condemned the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) for destroying classified evidence related to the case against a Montreal man, Charkaoui, accused of having links to terrorism. "The destruction of operational notes is a breach of CSIS duty to retain and disclose information, CSIS's duty to retain all intelligence is clearly outlined in Section 12 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act" the Supreme Court wrote in a summary of its decision, and the decision could force the CSIS to review its long-standing but controversial practice of shredding all its operational notes. CSIS should not only be required to keep their original notes, but also to disclose them to the defence once a case goes to court. The key issue was a set of interviews CSIS conducted with Charkaoui, including one in which he allegedly spoke of strategies for recruiting others to the terrorist cause. CSIS's policy of destroying original notes, transcripts and recordings of interviews has come under fire.
In Charkaoui's case, CSIS summaries of interviews which have been made public show neither questions posed nor answers given and failed to provide any information about the context or interrogation methods. In such a situation, the door is open to mistakes, errors of interpretation, bias and outright fabrication. In brief, CSIS "builds a case," setting aside or destroying as irrelevant evidence leading to different conclusions. Charkaoui spoke out finally, "In 20 years, this is the first time CSIS is told to be careful of what it's done. For the first time, those people are told they cannot do this sort of thing. They cannot destroy evidence and put information in files that are nothing but summaries, with no context." Now Charkaoui has asked for complete disclosure of all information in his file and has asked to cross-examine the CSIS agents who prepared his file, Immigration Minister Diane Finley and Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day.
Immigration Minister Diane Finley - Ms. Finley has been active with a number of other organizations, including the National Standards Committee of the Paramedic Association of Canada, the Ambulance Service Alliance of Ontario and the Ontario Government Health Policy Advisory Council.
At CES 2008, Microsoft Chairman and CEO Bill Gates and some of his closest friends debuted a comical look at what life would be like as Bill's last day approaches. Many celebrities appeared such as Steven Spielberg, George Clooney, Bono from U2, Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, Senator Hillary Clinton and more, got some laughs...
MARGARET WENTE June 24, 2008
VANCOUVER -- I have bad news for Stéphane Dion. Out here in B.C., the people are revolting. Gordon Campbell's much-applauded carbon tax was pretty popular in February. But now, as people are being hammered by record gas prices, the enthusiasm has cooled. A new poll says a whopping 59 per cent of British Columbians now oppose the tax - and it hasn't even kicked in yet.
Beware the fickle voters. Everyone loves carbon taxes, until they have to pay them. But there's a much bigger and more serious reason for people to be skeptical of carbon taxes, cap-and-trade plans, green shifts, offset schemes and all the other policy proposals that have fuelled such mind-numbing debate. The reason is that they won't work. And you don't have to be a climate-change denier to see why.
I know, I know. Mr. Dion likes to tell us the planet's fate is in our hands. Sorry! It's not. It's a big old world out there, and most of the six billion people in it are scrambling to use more energy, not less. The dimensions of the problem are hard to overstate. As we demand more wind, solar, geothermal and biofuels, the other five-odd billion demand more oil, coal and natural gas. As we debate the niceties of carbon taxes versus cap-and-trade, global energy demand is projected to increase another 60 per cent by 2030.
Despite our good intentions, we can't do anything about it. Last year, China clearly overtook the United States as the world's biggest CO2 emitter. It now accounts for two-thirds of the yearly increase in global emissions. China and India will build a new coal generator roughly once a week for the next 25 years. As we ditch our gas-guzzling SUVs, the Chinese are buying 20,000 new cars every day. Two billion people still lack access to electricity. If we try to tell them they can't have it, they'll just laugh at us.
Could we reduce our carbon footprint enough to compensate for all this furious growth? Not a chance. We'd have to repeal air travel, cars and the rest of the 20th century. Global warming is really hard to fix. But don't take it from me. A recent commentary in Nature, titled Dangerous Assumptions, argues that reducing CO2 emissions over the next century will be far more challenging than we've been led to believe. The authors - climate policy expert Roger Pielke Jr., climatologist Tom Wigley and economist Christopher Green - contend the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has badly overstated our technological ability to cut emissions. The idea that we can regulate our way to a completely new economy is, in Nature's words, "a fairy tale."
A lot of big scientific guns agree. Vaclav Smil, distinguished environment professor at the University of Manitoba, comments, "The speed of transition from a predominantly fossil-fuelled world ... is being grossly overestimated: All energy transitions are multigenerational affairs. Their progress cannot substantially be accelerated either by wishful thinking or by government ministers' fiats." Stanford's Christopher Field writes, "It is hard to see how, without a massive increase in investment, the requisite number of relevant technologies will be mature and available when we need them."
In other words, it will take a massive technological revolution to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions, and anyone who says otherwise is kidding you. It's all very well to say that we ought to lead by example, and do what we can. It's a good thing to start figuring out how we can eventually wean ourselves off fossil fuels. But if all our efforts to regulate carbon amount to scooping sand from the Sahara with a teaspoon, shouldn't we face facts?
"We may have set ourselves down the wrong path when we framed the challenge of mitigating greenhouse gases in terms of reducing emissions," says Mr. Pielke. He says only massive long-term investments in carbon-neutral technologies will do the trick. Keep that in mind during the next eye-glazing round of green debates.
Blogger's note: According to the Canadian Press, Dalton McGuinty seems to be Dion's only provincial ally in the carbon tax plan, which was unveiled last week after pre-emptive attacks by the governing Conservatives. Several provincial leaders have rejected Dion's proposal outright, while others have been reluctant to embrace it.
The Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, speaks in Parliament's Hall of Honour on the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Pay attention on what he said and how he said it, look at his facial expression and his body language.
Now what do you see?
I see a genuine leader not merely a politician, who truly cares about what we care. And his talk matches his walk.
Chinada's first serial killer partnership was made up of a charismatic psychopath named Jiabao, and a liberal drifter Dion, who went on a killing spree that left several women dead. Maybe people shouldn't be surprised that a boy who had to endure the nickname "Pissy" because of a tendency to wet his pants, would grow up to be one of Chinada's most savage spree killers.
Jiabao's insatiable sexual appetite caused him to enlist his much younger lover Dion into abducting, raping, and eventually, brutally murdering thousands of women in their love nest and torture chamber at 21 Green Shift Street. The Mansonesque type of killer is rare; a person who can persuade others to kill or harm others for him. According to enormous confessions, Jiabao was exactly that type of person.
Two psychopathic homosexuals made torture into an unspeakable art form as they experimented on their victims, giving new meaning to the concept of "Evil." This can get annoying for anyone familiar with the facts, but in the end it's made clear that Jiabao and Dion's story was pretty much a self-serving "reorganization" of what happened; they never apologized to victims' families, never expressed public remorse, and seemed as narcissistic upon their escape as they'd ever been.
Rogers, for one, is the most efficient and reliable company in Canada. Their workers, can be seen everywhere in the corner. As soon as I go out, I'd see at least six to seven signature vans, within two hours or so. Quite often, there'll be one or two, parking outside of the condominium where I live. Rogers, is definitely the most prestigious brand representing Canada, in all aspect. You simply can't avoid it, or live without it.
Edward S. Rogers III was appointed President & CEO for Rogers Cable Inc. January 1, 2003. He is the son of Edward S. Ted Rogers, Jr., president and CEO of the parent company, and the grandson of founder Edward S. Rogers, Sr. After graduating from the University of Western Ontario, he spent 2.5 years with Comcast Corporation, a US cable and cellular company out of Philadelphia. His US experience covered sales, marketing, new product development and strategic planning.
Rogers Cable Inc is made of three business units. Rogers Cable is Canada's largest cable television provider offering cable television, high-speed Internet access and residential telephony services. Its Rogers Business Solutions division is a national provider of voice communications services, data networking, and broadband Internet connectivity to small, medium and large businesses across the country. Rogers Retail is one of the largest retail chains in Canada, with almost 500 stores. In 2007 the Company generated $3.6 billion in revenue, over $1 billion in EBITDA and had over 10,000 employees.
But while Rogers likes to portray himself as the little guy fighting the evil phone monopoly, the reality is that he has profited immensely from his monopolistic position in cable and, increasingly, a dominant position in wireless. Rogers controls 37% of the Canadian wireless market, while Bell has a 31% share. Telus is in the rear at a 28% share. Rogers, not surprisingly, likes to point out that he didn't start out with a monopoly, but rather on the "wrong side of a competitive situation."
Mayor Hazel McCallion did the honours at the first ever public Menorah Lighting in Mississauga. Looking on were, in the middle, Yehezkel Zahavy, President of Aaroport Limousine Services, and Rabbi Yitzchok Slavin.
Things kept happening mysteriously. I'm now editing some videos recorded during the last couple days, as soon as I get it done, I'll show you and you'll be amazed.
Meanwhile, I'd need your help to find out who are the owners of these mysterious vehicles. They looked like a fleet to me. But what are the chances, that I'd seen them wandering in GTA without carrying any passengers, but followed me wherever I'd been to ? And what does ZAH stand for ? Is that the name of the limousine service company? I surely hope there's nothing to do with the Zahedan International Airport in Iran.
~ ZAH17 ~ I saw on June 13 at 5:10pm right on the Queen St West. While the limousine got stuck in a traffic jam, I couldn't help noticing its license plate hence I type-recorded it. A gentleman sat at the back seat was very alert and unease. All in a sudden he instructed the chauffeur to make an illegal U-turn onto the opposite lane then speedily disappeared, in a suspicious and hysterical manner. 45 minutes later when I strolled back to my apartment, there I saw ZAH16 appeared on Spadina, very scary indeed.
~ ZAH28 & ZAH44 ~ I saw days ago in the late afternoon on Yonge and on Spadina respectively.
~ ZAH64 ~ I saw on January 31 around 11:30pm nearby the Pearson Airport, the night I'd arrived to Toronto from Hong Kong. I was 100% sure, that limousine had deliberately to be seen by me, tended to mislead me to a wrong direction.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made an historic apology on behalf of the Canadian government for native residential schools and its decades-long federal policy of forced assimilation.
"Today, we recognize that this policy of assimilation was wrong, has caused great harm, and has no place in our country," Mr. Harper said. "The government now recognizes that the consequences of the Indian residential schools policy were profoundly negative and that this policy has had a lasting and damaging impact on Aboriginal culture, heritage and language."
The apology was quickly embraced by Phil Fontaine, chief of the Assembly of First Nations, who addressed MPs from the floor of the House of Commons, as dozens of residential school survivors watched on from the public gallery. "This day testifies to nothing less than the achievement of the impossible," Mr. Fontaine said. "Never again will this House consider us the Indian problem just for being who we are. We heard the government of Canada take full responsibility for this dreadful chapter in our shared history. "What happened today signifies a new dawn in the relationship between us and the rest of Canada," he said.
"On behalf of the government of Canada and all Canadians, I stand before you, in this chamber so vital, central to our life as a country, to apologize to aboriginal peoples for the role the government of Canada played in the Indian residential schools system." Mr. Harper continued, "We now recognize that, far too often, these institutions gave rise to abuse or neglect and were inadequately controlled, and we apologize for failing to protect you."
Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion also apologized on behalf of the Liberal Party, which he noted had governed the country for 70 years of the last century. "For too long the Canadian government chose to ignore the consequences of this tragedy," Mr. Dion said. "I am sorry Canada tried to erase your identity and culture."
Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe and NDP Leader Jack Layton added their voices to the apology, each demanding that the government restore the nation-to-nation relationship between Ottawa and First Nations, Métis and Inuit. "This Parliament chose to treat First Nations, Métis and Inuit people as not equally human," Mr. Layton said. "It set out to 'kill the Indian in the child.' That choice was wrong – horribly wrong."
LAWRENCE MARTIN From Saturday's Globe and Mail June 7, 2008 at 7:54 AM EDT
After the announcement of the General Motors layoffs this week, Stéphane Dion went into a predictable rage, demanding the resignation of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. The Liberal Leader glared across the aisle at Prime Minister Stephen Harper. "Will he [the PM] learn from his mistakes and dismiss his Finance Minister immediately before he jeopardizes our automobile and manufacturing industries even further?"
Does Mr. Dion really expect the Prime Minister to buy into that kind of talk? "Hey man, good idea, I'll dump him first thing in the morning." Of course, Mr. Harper responded to the vituperative volley with vituperation of his own. Mr. Dion complained again this week that all the PM and his men do is attack, that their definition of sophisticated leadership is the politics of destruction.
He has a point - until he looks at his own ledger.
The Grits are the great hypocrites on this one. They stand up each and every day in the Commons and with indignant fury berate their opponents with one exaggerated accusation after another. They demand cabinet resignations by the hour. They talk of the need to elevate the tone of the debate while lowering it themselves.
Here was Michael Ignatieff last week on the question of Mad Max Bernier and the missing classified documents. "The government is either incompetent or it is covering up the truth. Which is it?" This is one of the leading thinkers in the Commons. He makes it onto lists as one of the world's top intellectuals. But like the rest of them, Mr. Ignatieff turns questions into accu-sations and expects an intelligent response.
It's fine to talk, as the Liberals do, of how the Prime Minister's Office is short-circuiting democracy, of how it is acting as if in a dictatorship. But where's their plan to change the system? Where's their plan to cut the size of the PMO in half, to devolve power, to clean it up? Where's their proposal to have a Speaker of the Chamber who exercises the power he has to keep the debate civil or, if his means are insufficient, is given more powers to be able to do so?
Political parties always pay lip service to "democratic reform." They never get around to making the change. The time is perfect now. In the United States, Barack Obama has been elevating the discourse, at least to some degree. His Liberal cousins here would do well to get acquainted.
The Grits have Bob Rae and Michael Ignatieff and Ken Dryden and Stéphane Dion. These are quality men of high intelligence who should be forging a new way, showing Canadians how politics can be done with taste and distinction. But they have a traditionalist in House Leader Ralph Goodale, who presides over the Question Period content. He's a good MP and a good chap. But he reeks of old politics. He needs a new assignment.
Mr. Dryden once told me how he didn't mind criticism so much, as long as it was done with a respectable tone. Yet, like so many of them, he has been co-opted by the rancorous Commons system. He gets up and shouts and admonishes in a holier-than-thou way, resorting to the dire tones he rightly decries. The Opposition does have its role of resistance to play. On occasion, high dudgeon is to be expected. But when it surfaces with every second question, it loses its effect. Shouting from one side begets only shouting from the other.
With the style of the Conservatives - which, indeed, is all about the politics of destruction - the Liberals are presented with a spectacular opportunity to show a new ethic. Ideas? Donald Savoie has a new book out called Court Government and the Collapse of Accountability in Canada and the United Kingdom. Liberal Tom Axworthy has brought out a major study with recommendations for overhauling how Parliament functions. A report just out by the Public Policy Forum charts how healthy relations between the public service and politicians can be restored.
The possibilities are ripe. But the Liberals don't give the impression of wanting to jump on them and do politics differently. They should realize that Canadians would be far more inclined to change the government if they could find a party prepared to change the system.
I am a freelance writer and I am Canadian Citizen came back for good from Hong Kong on January 31, 2008. Ever since many bizarre things have happened in my life, that I would like to seek for your invaluable advice. I'd witnessed an unusual incident on June 6, that I'd already filed a complaint to the Toronto Police Services Board, and I've enclosed a copy for your reference. I am fully aware you're a member of the Toronto Police Services Board, as I'd seen your name appeared on an announcement on February 18, regarding the first official "Family Day" in Ontario.
Earlier today I had lunch at the Le Saint Tropez on 315 King Street West by myself, I'd played around with my new cam recorder which I purchased on June 6. I sat by the sidewalk as the weather was nice, suddenly a lady came out from the blue approached me maliciously asking who I was. Oddly she accused me for stalking her and filming her, that she has a restraining order against me. Needless to say I was shocked, I didn't know her and I'd never seen her in my life before. Since she was talking nonsense, I asked the waiter in the restaurant to call the police, but the lady said she would do it. Then she started talking on her cell phone, and I continued to have my lunch. At the time it was about 3:20pm.
Ten to fifteen minutes later two police officers arrived. I told them I was puzzled, I had my lunch in the restaurant long before the lady dropped by the pedestrian, how could I possibly stalking her or filming her? Officer 8401 asked for my identification then went to the lady, while officer 7880 stayed with me. I handed out my cam recorder voluntarily for inspection. He checked it and he didn't see anything the lady had accused me for. I was surprised when I saw officer 8401 gave away my driver's license to the lady copying my personal information without my consent. Who'd given her a right to do so? So I walked straight to the officer and asked why would he give away my information and what's that all about the restraining order the lady had mentioned before? He couldn't explain it all but kept saying I was the one who'd frightened the lady. He even mentioned the case on June 6, warning me today was the second time I did something wrong as if I were a criminal (for June 6 details please refer to the forwarding message). Regarding that subject matter I told him I'd already filed a complaint to the Police Services Board. But when I asked if I could get the personal information of the lady in exchange, the officer just avoided my request as if he didn't hear me. He insisted I was the one who freaked out the people by filming them, and if I kept doing so the police would go after me for sure. At that particular moment, I sensed that I had threatened by the police officer. Although there had not been any evidence to prove I was stalking or filming the lady as she claimed, there had not been any facts at the least to support the accusation against me, I had been judged by the officer on the scene with many other customers in the restaurant who witnessed the whole truth.
My point is, in less than a week I'd been dramatically accused by some stranger who in fact intimidated me, then threatened by the police officers who supposed to help me, I started worrying about my personal safety. Frankly speaking, I'd studied law so I keen on protecting my rights and privacy, I believe I know where to draw a line. If I remain silent, I'm afraid any day anything outrageous could happen to anyone without any reason. Worst scenario is that anybody can bump into me then accuse me for attacking or assaulting, and I'll have no say on the matter. As a responsible citizen, I am reporting these cases to you seeking your advice before I go any further. If deem appropriated, I would like to set up a meeting with you presenting all the evidence in my possession to prove my innocence.
As the Mayor of Toronto I know your schedule must be tight. So if I don't hear from you or the Police Services Board in a week time, I would just go ahead to file a lawsuit against the police officers involved, then reveal the whole story to the mass media. In the meantime, I've copied this message to the Prime Minister, the Chief of Police, the CTVglobemedia, The CNN, and Ming Pao Toronto.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
First take a deep breath, then check out the NDP. I can and I will guarantee your satifaction, if you're women. There's never ever a political party in history, has raised so much concern about women's rights and equality. I'm impressed, and speechless.
Jack Layton's lovely wife is Olivia Chow, a Chinese Canadian. My heartfelt blessings to this couple, am glad that Olivia does not have to go through what I'd been through.
In short, NDP's agenda is all about women. Sisters, you can't possibly ask for more, trust me. If you don't vote for the NDP, either you're not a woman, or you see what I see.
I am a freelance writer and I've got four books published in the last three years. I am Canadian Citizen just came back for good from Hong Kong on January 31, 2008.
On Monday, June 2, 2008, I'd been to the Fire Station 332 located on 260 Adelaide Street West. I was able to talk to Captain Thompson and a fire fighter whose name was Morris. I was there because I've been seeing a lot of fire trucks and ambulances in the GTA that I found it very unusual. As a freelancer I've travelled quite a bit all over the world, I must admit I rarely see that many fire trucks and ambulances running in the city with the sirens on so frequently. On some occasional evenings, I even saw the fire trucks turned on the sirens during midnight driving on the Gardiner Expressway through my apartment. I was amazed, and sick worried about the fire safety in the city. Hence I have decided to work on a story about this particular situation. For further details please refer to my blog:
On Friday, June 6, 2008, I strolled along the Yonge Street and I stopped by somewhere near the College Street to have a sketch by an artist on the pedestrian. I believe I spent almost 2 hours on the spot, there I saw at least five of the fire trucks and ambulances passed by. Again, I was amazed. In fact there was one pulled over right across the street, that I saw a few paramedics using a cot moving someone into the ambulance. I didn't see it clear from a distance but I took some photos with my cell phone.
Around 6:30pm I took off heading south, there I saw another fire truck passing by! I was awfully curious so I followed the truck, seeing it stopped over at 20 Gerrard Street East in front of the Covenant House. Shortly after an ambulance came by followed by a police car. I stopped by the scene and waited to see what happened, in a few minutes I saw a few paramedics came out from the Covenant House, with a cot covering with some pieces of luggage!
Let me put it this way. As a seasoned traveller I'm not easily surprised. However, I was stunned by what laid in front of my eyes, simply because I was expecting to see a patient or someone got injured perhaps. It's all unbelievable! Again I used my cell phone to take photos then a paramedic walked toward me blocking my view in a very harsh manner. I managed to take a picture of him though. In another minute I was surrounded by two police officers. One of the officers 9711 yelled at me in a very offensive way, prevented me from taking more photos. But I claimed my rights as where I located was a public area. I didn't break any law but he wouldn't let me taking any more photos and the ambulance left. Later I was warned by the officer 8995, which I didn't quite get it for what had I done wrong? When I put down his name he asked to see my identification, I cooperated.
To set the record straight, I certainly asked why would the paramedics saving luggage on the scene? Not to mention there were a fire truck, an ambulance and a police car on site. I couldn't figure it out by using my common sense and my knowledge as a well educated writer. What had actually happened in the Covenant House? Who called for emergence service in the first place? Why were the paramedic and the officers so furious? Hadn't they dealt with any reporters or media under that kind of circumstance? What about freedom of the press? I demand all these answers. Details of the crew are as following:
Obviously, I am writing this lengthy letter to complain about the way I was treated by the police officers. Besides I would demand all the answers in question for what actually happened on the scene, or I couldn't help speculating it's abusively use of manpower. Since I have all the photos stored in my cell phone, I'm much obligated to show you the images for reference if required. For your information, I've copied this message to the Prime Minister, the Chief of Police and the CTVglobemedia.
Thank you for your time and your earliest reply will be much appreciated.
"Uncle George, in a way I think I'm the person who understands you the most."
"Kid, why'd you say that?"
"Well, everybody knows Mr Bin is a monster and a brutal killer. Although you've done everything you could to arrest him, he still gets away. Worst of all, he keeps intimidating you from time to time yet you can't do anything about it. Similarly, everybody knows what Wen JiaBao has done to me but I can't put him in the jail. And he keeps harassing me that truly irritates me."
"Kid, you have no idea how much I wanted to eliminate those monsters. My primary concern is, over time people will easily forget about the monsters' evil nature then they will strike again."
"Indeed. People tend to neglect what have kept those monsters from killing again, is because we have fought back hard enough. There's no limit of their sinful acts otherwise."
"Kid, let's stick together and put everything in God's hands. We're going to defeat the monsters sooner or later."
"Uncle George, that's what I've been doing. I believe in time justice will be served. Meanwhile, let's keep watching those monsters and praying for the people we care for. May God bless all of us."
Today we're going to play hide and seek, to find out who are the traitors of the century.
§ The objective of the game is to trace the traitors by your own means § All patriots are welcome to join in and can either work alone or as part of a team § Seeking the traitors by using the following clues, or calling your befriend list of the CSIS, FBI, CIA, MI6...etc § The clues and photos will be updated if necessary § The game will only end at the discretion of the LORD
Names: Andrew Kostiuk / C Krishnelingam / Debra Mills / Dneyse Fishwick / Dr E Wang / Edward S Ted Rogers / Gimicrios Zerikos / Gundel Lee / Moya Greene / Robert C Johnson / Vashpi Rajpwty
Organizations: Best Western Parkway Inn / Canada Post / Canadiana Backpackers Inn / CityNews / Clarence Castle Hostel / Four Seasons Hotel Toronto / Holiday Inn on King / Purolator / Rogers Communications Inc / Seneca College Alumni / Tai Pan Tours / Windsor Arms Hotel / York Central Hospital
Surveillance is not only a game of private investigators or the police. You can also have a surveillance gear to keep tracking almost anyone you want. GPS tracking devices allow you to track your car or any other moving object, like boat, bike or even a pet. GPS trackers are even installed in some high-tech cell phones, which allow you to track a teenager or anyone who uses such a cell phone. However, the main use of a GPS tracking equipment is for vehicle surveillance.
GPS Data for Vehicle Surveillance
Premiers and Mayors and Commanders want to know who are abusing their fire trucks, ambulances...etc - Quite often public servants like to drive faster than they should. Or they may use the vehicles for other purposes than the work. So literally, Premiers and Mayors and Commanders should track their employees and find out what's going on.
Monitor the Speed of the Vehicle - If an employee is driving too fast, hell waste gasoline and ware tires off sooner that normally would, GPS tracker can help you in this situation easily. Whenever the speed limit is exceeded, you get an alert and a report, you'll have a proof and know who exceeded the speed.
Know Where Your Car is at the Moment - Let's say you're just turned on your computer and you want to login to the central station to find out where your car is at the moment. GPS lets you do that without any trouble. You login to the system and see exactly where your car is now.
GPS tracking system is very useful. Not only can it tell you where your car is located at the moment, it also tells you about the behavior of the person driving the car. Does he stop often near his girlfriend's apartment? Does he take a break and spend some time chatting on the construction site? You'll know everything. I'd recommend for some couriers as the outcome should be rewarding.
"Sir, please calm down, you'd need to tell me your name and what happened?"
"I am Wen Jiabao! I told you this is wife is dying! Send over the police!"
"Mr Wen, just don't panic. In that case we'll send over the paramedics, please tell me your address."
"NO! I said I'd need the police, no paramedics!"
"But why'd you need the police? Has your wife been attacked by somebody?"
"How would I know! Hum...her head gets stuck in the toilet bowl! Send over the police!"
"Alright then, we'll send over the paramedics and the firemen. Please tell me your address."
"How many times I have to tell you, uh? I said I need the police, bxxxh!"
"Mind your language, Mr Wen. I just don't understand why you're demanding the police? It doesn't fit in."
"Because I'd need the police car to be seen on its way! Tell them to take the main street not the short cut!! And don't forget to turn the sirens on, the louder the better!!!"
"With all due respect, I'd like to refer you to Doctor Krishnelingam at the York Central Hospital. He's in charge of the Mental Health Program and he's one amazing Psychiatrist. He may diagnose you over the phone without seeing you."
"Bxxxh! Send over the police, because now I'm going to kill myself!! You heard me?"
"As you wish Mr Wen. Now I'll redirect you to the funeral home, please stay on the line. "
Toronto Fire Services Division Commander - Andrew Kostiuk
If you're a regular visitor of this blog, you must have known that I've had troubles with the Toronto Fire Services for long. They're unbelievably everywhere in the GTA wherever I'd been to; in a book shop, at a sidewalk cafe, on the Gardiner Expressway 24 hour...... It really bothered me as I was sick worried about the fire safety in the city, as I'd never seen so many fire trucks in my life before. Besides, I was extremely annoyed by the sirens seemed unnecessary especially when I was so full of ideas began writing, that interfered me. For a moment, I thought my computer network had been coincidentally linked to the fire station perhaps. But what can I do about it?
Saturday I took off to a concert around 6:50pm, right on the intersection of Bremner and Spadina, there it was. Another Fire Truck showed off with its sirens right in front of me, how impressive! This time I'd noticed a serial number on the truck written HAZ 332, I made a note then googled it when I came home.
Hence I found out Toronto has 2 Haz trucks. One is located in downtown at Station 332, South Command, Toronto Community. SEE, it matched! Most interesting, the logo of station 332 defining the communities is named "The Show Must Go On 1841". Certainly, I laughed.
TFS operations consists of 81 stations and divided into four geographical command units.
▪ North Command contains the 11th-14th Districts, covering 19 fire stations. It services the communities of North York and Toronto. (This Command includes Forest Hill which amalgamated with Toronto in 1967) One more station to be added (#116).
▪ South Command contains the 31st-34th Districts (22 stations). It services Downtown Toronto, Toronto Islands and parts of East York.
▪ East Command contains the 21st-24th Districts (20 stations). It services the communities of Scarborough, East York and Toronto.
▪ West Command contains the 41st-44th Districts (20 stations). It services the community of Etobicoke, York, Toronto and Swansea (a municipality which also amalgamated with Toronto in 1967).
SOUTH COMMAND 260 Adelaide St. West , Toronto, ON , M5H 1X6 Fax. 416-338-1829
DIVISION COMMANDER Andrew Kostiuk Phone: 416-338-9056 Fax: 416-338-9076
Administrative Assistant Anjali Raturi
Fire Prevention Division and Public Education Phone: 416-338-9350 Fax: 416-338-9349