Tuesday, June 24
Top Ten Signs Your Dogs Are Smarter Than You
10. Neighbors in China Town complain about your dogs calling the EMS
9. You find mysterious sculpture of a human looks like David Miller on a leash in the dungeon
8. Wen Jiabao swimming in your toilet bowl with another dog
7. Paramedics bring back the runaway dogs and the travel bags on a cot to your doorstep
6. Friends swear they've seen the Canada Post driven by one of your talented dogs
5. Your dogs follow you everywhere especially when shopping in the Winners
4. The remote is covered with slobber, and the TV was left on the Rogers Channel
3. The China dog doesn't lick itself anymore... now it's Stephane Dion's job.
2. Some dogs are hiding in the Purolator trucks for secret assignments
1. Your apartment keys no longer work because you enter to a wrong unit 4216 and there's no dog
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- Heaven On Earth
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- http://avenue5th.blogspot.com
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- http://feministing.com
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- http://mysteryofiniquity.wordpress.com
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- http://youcanthandlethetruthiness.blogspot.com
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