It could have been a failure of connection, or IP relocation, or router malfunction, according to Rogers. Fifteen times I called fifteen excuses I got though I understood none of all.
The next day I carried the Mac to the Apple shop, Jennifer asked my password to get trouble shooting. Minutes later, Johnny who must have a magic finger, as soon as he touched my computer, it was dropped dead like a 80-year old man having a heart attack. Consider my poor Mac was only 6-month old. Johnny expressed his deepest sympathy, asserting me it's quite normal if not unusual. Five days he said, he's going to replace the hard disk for me, yet there's no guarantee I could back up any of my files by any chance.
Yep, the Mac is dead certain. Presumably it's dying in the blink of natural causes. Look at those gigantic advertisements, quite often they're too misleading and amusing.