Friday, September 12

How Much You Can Take

Let's see what will happen next :

~ Good neighbours will move out avoiding all the harassment, such as two false alarms during midnight in 3 days.

~ Bad neighbours or more drama players will move in to expand their territories.

~ Water in the building is likely contaminated. Bad neighbours are being notified in advance, so that when you complain about getting sick, the management will tell you everybody else is fine but only you have a delusion in mind.

~ Heating system may be cut off for no reasons in winter time on any given night. When you complain about it, the management will tell you they're working on it but they don't know how long it would take.

~ By any chance you're under attacked or assaulted in a public place, you'll have no witness at all because all the by-standers get paid to turn their eyes blinded.

~ When you're feeling helpless and isolated having a sense in great danger, 911 won't answer your call because the Police Headquarter has been taken over by the Chinese Authorities.

~ What a dangerous world we're living in, sad but true.

You're the 11946911 visitor, thank you and God bless.