Monday, September 22

Wake Up Call

Canadians, WAKE UP !!! Our nation is at risk !!!

18 September

21 September

22 September

He is not only an actor but a great performer. Recall how many people have been shot in GTA over the past week? According to many main stream columnists, the list of his U-turns and broken promises is growing longer simply because of the campaign. Scandals and apologies are spreading all over the media displaying a chaotic drama. However, the most disturbing twist of his flexibility, is the policy on Afghanistan. Not long ago he'd made a statement, contradicting his own record on his most important foreign policy obligation. In addition to contradicting the NATO, US and both candidates for the presidency, while none of them thinks the ISAF military deployment in Afghanistan should be ended in 2011.

Taken together, my stories on this blog has given you the genuine image of a man, who will throw anything and anyone overboard if it threatens his ability to hang onto power. And all the evidence presented here suggests that he is ready to form a majority government enhancing his dirty power. Where would this phony campaign take Canada? Are you ready to take up the challenge placing yourself in my situation?

You're the 11946911 visitor, thank you and God bless.